Do you want a best solution to apply for LESCO New Connection 2024? No worries, a step by step process for New Connection Application form filling, track status and print demand notice is described.
The process describes a full detail in depth for LESCO new connection and changing the credentials like name or load in existing connection as well.
The LESCO consumers can check the LESCO Web Bill Online or calculate bill using LESCO Bill Calculator.

LESCO New Connection Procedure Online:
How can I get new electricity connection in Pakistan? The WAPDA made it simple to apply for new connection through their online Electricity New Connection (ENC) system. Let’s proceed to the steps to apply for new connection.
Fill Online Application form given below:
- First step is to visit ENC Website by clicking above button.
- From the left sidebar click on the Apply and wait a few moments.
- Select distribution company as LESO for LESCO new connection
- Now enter the 14-digit reference number of your neighbor. It will automatically find your subdivision.
- Now select the category type. For home users select load up to 15kW.
- Now select the connection type. The home users can select Domestic.
- Now fill the applicant particulars in which (Applicant Name, Father Name, CNIC number, Present address and Mobile numbers) are required.
- Next step is to provide contact person information. You can select same as above option.
- Now provide the premises details (Number of meter already installed (0), Minimum load 2 kW, premises address).
Documents required applying for New Connection LESCO:
What documents are required for new electricity connection in Pakistan? Following Documents Required for Electricity New connection:
- Upload property document image
- Upload Attested CNIC Copy of Applicant
- Attested CNIC Copy of Witness (Sometimes two witnesses copies)
- Upload Neighbor Bill Copy
- Wiring contractors test report
- Undertaking from Applicant
Now the online application is filled. You can click on I agree box and Submit the Application. You will see a tracking ID for LESCO new connection. Note it down to print and track the application status.
Printing and Submitting the Application of LESCO New meter Connection:
- You need to click on the print button on left sidebar and enter the tracking Id noted before to print your application.
- After printing the application form attach the documents provided above.
- Now submit hard copy to the Wapda office.
- The wapda office focal persons will verify your address and documents for LESCO New Connection.
- They may physically visit your home.
Change Connection Name/Tariff/Load Process for LESCO Users
How can I change my Electricity meter ownership in Pakistan? The procedure of change connection name/tariff/Load is provided below:
- Visit ENC official site by clicking here.
- Click on change option provided in left side bar.
- Now select application type Change of name, tariff and Load by clicking the box. You can select more than one option or all of them as well.
- Fill the Applicant particulars (Refernce number, CNIC, Mobile Number, Current Name).
- If you have selected the change of name box then you need to fill Current name and New Name boxes.
- If you have selected the change of tariff box then select old tariff from dropdown and select new tariff from drop down.
- If you have selected the change of load box then select type as reduction of load or addition of load from drop down. Write sanctioned load already and put the new load required.
Documents Required For Change of Name/Tariff/Load:
The following documents are required for change of name/tariff/load. The maximum file size required is 300KB.
- Upload Attested CNIC Copy of Applicant
- Upload Applicant Electricity Bill Copy
- Upload Proof of ownership
Submitting and Printing the Application for Change of Name/Tariff/Load:
- Now submit the Application and a tracking ID will be assigned to you. Note it down for future reference.
- Now Click on Print form option from left side bar on ENC website. Select the company as LESCO and Print the Application.
- After print attach all necessary documents and submit it to the concerned wapda office.
Print the issued demand notice and Pay fee:
- Now you can track your demand notice for Land Print it from ENC website clicking the “Print DN” option. Now put tracking ID to print demand notice.
- After printing the demand notice pay it to conerned bank. The lesco users can Click on “Pay DN” option and put tracking id to pay the demand notice online.
- After paying the demand notice the Applicant can upload the demand notice by clicking on Upload DN option on ENC website.
- The applicant can send the demand notice paid copy to concerned office.
- Now after verification of demand notice the changes will took place.
LESCO New Connection Tracking
Do you want to track the new connection application status or change of name/tariff/load? No worries, you need only the tracking id assigned by ENC system after application submission. Here is step by step process to track LESCO New connection:
- Visit the ENC Site: To get started, open your web browser and enter You’ll find the tracking feature on left side bar.
- Click on Track: Once you’re on the ENC page, click on the “Track” button. This will show you to the application tracking interface.
- Select Application Type for Connection: Now select the type of application you have submitted: “New Connection” or “Change of Name/Tariff/Load”.
- Choose LESCO as Your Company: Since you’re applying through LESCO, select “LESCO” as your respective company from the dropdown.
- Enter Your Tracking ID and Submit: Enter the Tracking ID that was provided to you upon submission of your application form and click on the submit button.
LESCO New Connection Demand Notice (Print, Pay and Upload)
- After verification and a few month processes demand notice will be issued.
- You can download demand notice online from ENC website by clicking on Print DN on left side bar.
- Click on new connection and select company as LESCO. Now put the tracking ID and Click on Submit button.
- Now Print the Demand Notice.
- Pay the demand notice fee to concerned bank office as described in bank. Normally it’s Punjab Bank.
- The LESCO Customers can pay the demand notice Online as well by clicking on PAY DN on ENC Official website.
- After paying the demand notice get a copy from bank and hold it at home.
- You can now upload the demand notice online using Upload DN option.
- The other copies of demand notice will be sent by bank to wapda concerned office.
- The ENC priority will be counted after payment of demand notice on the basis of first come first serve.
- It may take 2 to 3 months to arrive your meter.
Time required for New meter Connection Category Wise:
There are three Main categories for new connection. But the NEPRA have divided it into five with respect to category supply for LESCO new connection.
Category | Time Required |
Voltage level upto 400V and Load Upto 15 kW | 30 days |
Voltage level upto 400V and Load upto 70 kW | 53 days |
Voltage level upto 400V and Load upto 500 kW | 73 days |
Voltage level 11 or 33 KV and Load upto 5000 kW | 106 days |
Voltage level upto 66 KV and Load above for all loads | 496 days |
Time frame required for Category-1 (1kW-15kW):
The connection will be accepted by the concerned SDO / Assistant Manager (AM). The time required for LESCO new connection category one is 30 days. This category is known as home category.
Process | Time Required |
After submitting the application the conecrned office will issue the receipt to applicant and assign a seniority number on register. | 1 day |
The office persons will visit the place and check whether the connection can be easily provided or not. | 3 days |
If connection can be provided the office will make finance budget for this. | 2 days |
The office will issue a demand notice to the applicant by hand or by post. | 2 days |
The applicant will pay the demand notice and will submit the receipt in concrned office | 2 days |
Applicant will provide wiring test report. The office will confirm whether it’s according to standard or not. | 3 days |
The concerned office will prepare the seneiority list according to demand notice paying date. | 1 day |
The concerned office will issue the service connection orders. | 3 days |
The office will contact with the store to provide the stationary required. | 3 days |
The concerned store will issue stationary for installing the connection. | 5 days |
After receiving stationary the stationary the SDO/ Assistant Manager office will hire persons to install the connection. | 5 days |
Total Time Required | 30 days |
Time frame required for Category-2 (16kW-70kW):
The connection will be accepted by the concerned DM/ XEN. The time required for LESCO new connection category two is 53 days. Almost the process is same as category one.
Process | Time Required |
After submitting the application the conecrned office will issue the receipt to applicant and assign a seniority number on register. | 1 day |
The office persons will visit the place and check whether the connection can be easily provided or not. | 4 days |
If connection can be provided the office will make finance budget for this. | 3 days |
The office will issue a demand notice to the applicant by hand or by post. | 4 days |
The applicant will pay the demand notice and will submit the receipt in concrned office | 2 days |
Applicant will provide wiring test report. The office will confirm whether it’s according to standard or not. | 5 days |
The concerned office will prepare the seneiority list according to demand notice paying date. | 2 days |
The concerned office will issue the service connection orders. | 4 days |
The office will contact with the store to provide the stationary required. | 15 days |
The concerned store will issue stationary for installing the connection. | 7 days |
After receiving stationary the stationary the DM/XEN office will hire persons to install the connection. | 6 days |
Total Time Required | 53 days |
Time frame required for Category-3 (70kW-500kW)
The connection will be accepted by the concerned S.E/ Authority Manager operations. The time required for LESCO New connection category three is 73 days.
Process | Time Required |
After submitting the application the concerned office will issue the receipt to applicant and assign a seniority number on register. | 1 day |
The office persons will visit the site and check whether the connection can be easily provided or not. | 4 days |
If connection can be provided the office will prepare finance budget for this. | 2 days |
The concerned office will accept the connection installation. | 4 days |
The office will issue a demand notice to the applicant by hand or by post. The applicant will pay the demand notice and will submit the receipt in concerned office. | 4 days |
Applicant will provide wiring test report. The XEN will confirm whether it’s according to standard or not. | 4 days |
The concerned office will issue the service connection orders. | 2 days |
The office will contact with the store to provide the stationary required. The concerned store will issue stationary for installing the connection. | 15 days |
After receiving stationary the stationary the committee consisting DMO, AMO and M and T office will hire persons to install the connection. | 37 days |
Total Time Required | 73 days |
You can apply for LESCO New connection and change an existing connection both physically and online method. As many of us are not familiar with LESCO Online Application form for new connection, they can follow physical process by visiting nearest office.
You can visit ENC website to apply online and follow the procedure described above in detail. Applicant can print the demand notice and track the new connection application using tracking id.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS):
How to check LESCO new connection status?
You can check Lesco new connection status by visiting ENC official website. Click on track option, select LESCO as your company and put tracking id.
Is it necessary to submit hard copy in LESCO office after applying online?
Yes, you must submit the hard copy of your application along with necessary documents to the LESCO Office.
In which bank do I need to pay the demand notice?
The demand notice contains the name of bank with payment. Normally, it’s Punjab Bank.
Who can attest my documents?
The Govt. officer having scale 16 or above can attest your documents.
How much is the demand notice fee?
The demand notice fee depend on connection type. For home users it’s normally 8000 to 10000 Rs. The users can print demand notice from ENC website to check their demand notice fee.
How do I pay for demand notice?
The LESCO applicants can pay demand notice online and physically. The process to pay demand notice is:
1. Print the demand notice from ENC official website using Print DN option.
2. Now click on Pay DN option to pay online or physically visit the bank to pay demand notice.
3. After paying the demand notice upload it on ENC website clicking Upload DN option.
How can I get new electricity connection in Punjab?
You can get new electricity connection in Punjab by visiting the official website of ENC. Now click on Apply button and Select your company like LESCO, IESCO etc. Click on new connection and put the credentials to get connection.
How to Print LESCO Demand notice?
You can print the LESCO demand notice:
1. Visit website
2. Click “Print DN” option
3. Put the tracking id to get the print of demand notice.