Are you curious to know about your next month bill amount? No worries, You can claculate your estimated LESCO bill according to revised latest LESCO Tariffs. The LESCO Bill calculator provides an exact estimated amount of your monthly bill according to the cost of electricity and the taxes deined by LESCO authorities.
LESCO Bill Calculator|LESCO Bill Estimator
The Bill does not include FPA. So, The final amount of bill will increase.
While it is important to note that the exact amount of your bill may vary slightly from estimates, due to specific tax applied on individual customers according to their connection type. If you want a duplicate copy of your LESCO Bill, please know that this online bill checking service is available for your convenience.

LESCO Tariffs 2024 – LESCO Bill Rates Per unit
The LESCO tariff is the rate assigned per unit for your LESCO Bill. The electricity price per unit changes based on how many units you use. The more units you use, the more you pay per unit.
The tariff also changes based on the type of connection or load you have. For example, if you're using electricity for commercial or industrial reasons, you'll pay more than someone using it at home.
Want to know new Lesco tariffs? Now, let's check the LESCO tariffs 2023 for all customers according to their connection type.
Tarrif A1 General Supply Lesco Electricity Tariff-Residential (Home users)
a) LESCO Unit Price for Sanctioned load less than 5 kW
- If the customer uses up to 50 Units then the unit price is RS 6.80.
- If the customer uses 51 to 100 units then the unit price is RS 10.74.
- If the customer uses 01-100 Units then the charges are RS 10.74 per unit.
- If the customer uses 101-200 Units then the charges are RS 13.06 per unit.
- If the customer uses 201-300 Units then the charges are RS 24.99 per unit.
- If the customer uses 301-400 Units then the charges are RS 28.38 per unit.
- If the customer uses 401-500 Units then the charges are RS 30.59 per unit.
- If the customer uses 501-600 Units then the charges are RS 32.01 per unit.
- If the customer uses 601-700 Units then the charges are RS 33.15 per unit.
- If the customer uses above 700 Units then the charges are RS 38.07 per unit.
You can calculate your bill with our LESCO Bill Calculator.
b) LESCO Unit Price For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above
For sanctioned load 5 kW and above the tariff charges are RS 37.24 during peak hours and RS 30.92 per unit during off-Peak hours. While for temporary supply the unit price is RS. 37.38.
Residential consumers can get advantage of one past slab according to decision of authority.
If the customer does not consume energy during the whole month then the minimum charges under Tariff A-1 category are RS 75 for single phase connections and Rs 15 for three phase connections on monthly basis.
Estimate your bill according to new tariffs for domestic users using LESCO Bill Calculator.
A2 General Supply LESCO Tariff for Commercial Users
For Peak Load Requirement less than 5 KW:
The unit price for commercial users of LESCO for peak load requirement less than 5 KW is Rs. 33.04.
For Peak Load Requirement exceeding 5 KW
The Regular unit price for commercial users of LESCO for peak load requirement exceeding 5 KW is Rs. 34.71. While during peak hours price for commercial users of LESCO is RS 36.64 and during off peak hours RS 30.67.
For temporary supply for LESCO commercial user unit rate is 33.39 Rupees. While electric vehicle charging station price is RS.27.79 per unit.
The LESCO consumers under A2 tariff single phase connection have to pay minimum 175 rupees per consumer monthly.
A3-General Services Tariff for LESCO Users
The general services rate per unit is Rs 32.68. The LESCO conusmers under A3 tarrif single phase connection have to pay minimum 175 rupees per consumer monthly. Three phase connection users pay 350 rupees monthly charges.
Tarrif B Industrial Supply Lesco Tarrif
B1 Category: B1 industrial category regualr charges are Rs 29.42 per unit. While during Peak hours the rate is 32.98 Rupees per unit and during off peak the rate is RS 27.42.
B2 Category: B2 industrial category regualr charges are Rs 28.92 per unit. While during Peak hours the rate is 32.92 Rupees per unit and during off peak the rate is RS 27.12.
B3 Category: B3 industrial category unit rate during Peak hours is 32.92 Rupees per unit and during off peak the rate is RS 27.12.
B4 Category: B4 industrial category unit rate during Peak hours is 32.92 Rupees per unit and during off peak the rate is RS 27.02.
While the tempraory supply rate fro industrial services is RS 30.50 per unit.
B1 and B1 (b) industrial users pay minimum 350 rupees monthly charges.
Residential colonies attached with industrial areas have to pay 32.74 rupees per unit.
Tarrif C Single Point Supply
C1 (a) Supply at 400 volts less than 5 kW: The rate for this single point supply is 33.72 Rupees per unit.
C1 (b) Supply at 400 volts exceeding 5 kW: The rate for this single point supply is 33.22 Rupees per unit
C2 Supply at 11 kV: The Regular rate for Single point supply for C2 supply at 11 kV is 33.02 Rupees. While during peak hours is 36.64 rupees and during off peak hours 30.04 rupees per unit.
C3 Supply above11 kV: The Regular rate for Single point supply for C3 supply above 11 kV is 32.92 Rupees. While during peak hours is 36.64 rupees and during off peak hours 29.74 rupees per unit.
Tarrif D Agricultural Tube-Wells Tarrif
Scarp: Scarp regular unit rate is 29.72 rupees. While during peak hours the rate is 32.64 rupees and during off-peak hours 25.39 rupees per unit.
Agricultural Tube-Wells: Lesco Agricultural tube wells tarrif is 19.39 rupees during peak and off peak hours.
Tarrif E Temporary Supply
Residential supply temporary tarrif is 37.98 rupees per unit. Commercial supply temporary tarrif is 33.39 rupees per unit.
While the industrial Supply temporary tarrif rate is RS 30.50 rupees per unit.
Tarrif G Public Lighting
Public lighting tarrif is 32.75 rupees per unit. While residential colonies tarrif is 32.74 rupees. Railway traction tariff rate is Rs 32.76 per unit.
If you want to estimate your LESCO Bill, enter the number of units consumed. Our LESCO Bill Calculator will show the bill amount needs to pay. The bill amonunt include a lot of taxes, So there may be a minor difference between the estimated bill and final bill.
The electricity units rates are listed above including residential, commercial, general services, industries and agricultural tube wells costs. The cost depends on the number of units consumed by user.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How to calculate electricity bill?
You can calculate electricity bill using the formula (Consumed units*Cost per unit). I.e 100*10=1000. The rate per unit is defined by NEPRA in Pakistan. You can calculate your LESCO electricity bill using LESCO Bill calculator by visiting the website
How electricity bill is calculated in Pakistan?
You can calculate electricity bill in Pakistan using the formula (Number of units consumed*Cost per unit). For example 200*18=3600. The electricity bill is calculated according to tariffs defined by NEPRA. You can calculate the LESCO Bill visiting
How do I check my LESCO navigate bill?
Simply visit and you will abe to check LESCO Navigate bill. Moreover, You can open any browser and write to navigate LESCO Bill.
How can I check my electricity bill in Lahore?
You can visit and enter reference number or customer Id to check Electricity bill in Lahore.
How do I download my LESCO Bill?
You can visit to download LESCO BIll online. When you enter reference number you will see the LESCO Bill. You can click on print and this will show you printer navigation. Now click on this and select save as pdf to download LESCO Bill.